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Writer's pictureDallis

App Inspiration & the Creators

Updated: Apr 26, 2022

Welcome to Fully Alive Again!!

  • This resource and the Fully Alive Again App is for anyone following the Medical Medium lifestyle that is looking for recipes, meditations, and pointers.

  • All dietary guidelines are based on the teachings of Anthony Williams and will never stray.

  • Meditations are based on the teachings of Anthony Williams with Abraham Hicks influences.

  • My main commitment to you is to provide you with recipes that support your body in the most healing ways, taste delicious, and make you feel Fully Alive!

  • If you haven't yet, check out the Medical Medium book series! You can find them on Amazon or in the library!


My name is Dallis, I am the founder of Fully Alive Again and I am overly excited to have you here! As a Medical Medium based community we are growing in numbers and the creation of this app would not have been possible without the support and dedication from all of you!

So thank you for the inspiration, thank you for your passion and thank you for falling madly in love with healing yourself! We are all in this together and our team is so happy to present you with the Fully Alive Again app to give you just a little extra ease and support in your life!

About Me:

I remember in my teenage years, the questioning looks my elders would give me when they walked in and saw me doing "funny things" with foods.  Whether it was sticking garlic in my ear, taping onions to my hands and feet, pouring vinegar on my head, rubbing honey on my wounds or caking my face in oatmeal and honey. I just loved having the determination to prove that food was medicine! Now don't get me wrong I still lived the typical western medicine lifestyle. I went to doctor for strep throat, took Benedryl to help me sleep, steroids for poison oak, ate cheetos....etc. How could I not be part of the world around me? 

Over time my interest in health grew, and having this massive desire to heal my mother if her illness continued to guide me. 

I went to college with the intention to focus on nutrition and health, but to be honest, I had a reallt hard time believing

anything they said and I just started to question things even more.

With that, I began researching alternative health advice and hidden truths that a lot of the higher up cooperations were keeping from the public. Through my years of research, I became increasingly drawn towards what many others thought to be ridiculous, crazy, or taboo.

So fast forward a little bit, after I decided to quit going to school I moved on, strayed away from goals, and had my college year fun run.

Then it happened. I got sick. 

I will spare all details because I personally do not like to speak much on any of my past discomforts as it can be triggering to me, and if you're using this app, I trust you already know that long list of symptoms yourself.

So choosing to move along, after a few years of suffering, leading to desperation, experimenting with countless crazy diets, juice fasting, water fasting, torturing my roommates with boiling pots of chicken feet, fruit fears, histamine fears, avoiding going out in public in general, and basically afraid of everything I ate, I eventually found the Medical Medium!

Reading the books and listening to the podcasts felt like waking up. As if I finally remembered something I had always known but had forgotten. Tears filled my eyes as I heard him explain symptoms I was having that weren't even searchable on google yet. How did he know? I felt like the Grinch in the movie when "his heart grew two sizes that day". My trust grew, my love exploded, my faith was back and my search was over! 

I am so thankful for Anthony William's determination to get his information out there for us all and changing my life. I have aspirations again, I have joy and real laughter, I have a beautiful home, I can work again, I feel I have unlimited choices for food. I can be in public again, and have conversations, I have my brain back! I can hop out of bed every morning, the pain is gone! I have passion and hope, and I watch as my health is just getting better and better every day. I can do yoga and hike and feel the strength in my legs existing for the first time, and I can lay in bed at night and feel my body actually relax! Going to bed at night used to be my most feared time as the world would quiet and there I would be, with no distractions from my symptoms making me toss and turn for hours, praying and crying until I fell asleep. All of that...GONE! It is so amazing! I wake every morning now with a smile on my face.

As people say to me "Just wait until you get older, health fades". I laugh inside knowing one thing for absolute certain now, The older I get, the healthier I will be!

Health is our birthright and every passing day is progress in our incredible future.

So enjoy this app, enjoy your journey, and always remember we are all here together.

Love, Love, Love you all


Jessica has decided to step down from the project and focus on her family. She has been such an amazing partner and will be missed! Her healing story is beautiful. Read on.


I’m Jess, one of the creators of Fully Alive Again. It is my passion and purpose to bring light and life back into the lives of those in need, and I do that primarily through recipes and content that help inspire and encourage health, wellness, and detoxification. Whether you’re taking baby steps to transition out of the standard American diet or looking to take your clean eating lifestyle to the next level, there are recipes to support anyone regardless of where they are in their healing journey. 

About Me:

I always ate my fruit and vegetables as a kid, but surprisingly, I was a sickly kid. I always seemed to have a runny nose, cough, itchy skin, earaches, or was coming down with a virus. As soon as I would start to get better, another symptom or bug would surface. But I was a kid, and kids get sick all the time, so they said. And since I was always ill, I never knew what it felt like to be healthy; for all I knew, I was healthy. I thought it was normal, and so did everyone around me. I was told, “Oh, it’s just a cold” or, “Oh, it’s just strep, but she should be okay after the antibiotics.” With no benchmark of what healthy felt like, I had no idea that healthy was something I had never experienced.

Fast forward to my twenties; I found myself dealing with many symptoms, however, each symptom was only moderate and would come and go as it pleased. I was aware of other people who had the same symptoms, but since their symptoms were more severe than mine, I thought I couldn’t be that bad off. Then, within 2 weeks, all my symptoms reared their ugly heads. In addition to the massive wave of symptoms I was experiencing, a new and alarming sign(blood in my stool) made itself known. At that point, I knew I was going downhill fast and had to do something different. See the list of my symptoms: 

  • Blood in stool

  • IBS 

  • Loud rumbling stomach 

  • Edema 

  • Bloating 

  • Acne 

  • Chronic fatigue 

  • Anxiety 

  • Depression 

  • Asthma 

  • Hives

  • Pain during intercourse 

  • Urinary tract infections 

  • Earaches 

  • Dry, itchy skin 

  • Dandruff 

  • Thinning hair 

  • Dark circles under the eyes 

  • Weight gain 

  • Heavy, irregular, and painful menstrual cycles (cramps, bloating, nausea) 

  • Mood swings 

  • Excess phlegm and mucus 

  • Rashes 

  • Body odor 

  • Illness lasting much longer than it should 

  • Gas

  • Constipation 

  • Blotchy skin/chicken skin on the back of arms

  • Increasing sensitivities to food (gluten, tomatoes, canned beets) 

  • Chronic sinus infections 

  • Headaches ​

When I saw doctors, they either dismissed the symptoms as nothing unusual or wanted to treat each symptom as if they were unrelated, and usually with antibiotics. Throughout my life, I used antibiotics as they were prescribed, but I never felt like they took care of the entire issue. My symptoms would always come back eventually, as though they never went away entirely in the first place.  I felt like I lacked clarity on what was going on with my body, and I was tired of living in response to symptoms. I wanted to prevent the symptoms all together. I was so sick and tired of feeling like my life was withering away when I should have been thriving. I needed answers, and I found all my answers in the Medical Medium books that were introduced to me by my sister, who also found answers and healing to her life-threatening illness.

Jumping into the present day, I have been following the Medical Medium lifestyle since 2017 and haven’t looked back. I am almost symptom-free; however, I have a lot of healing ahead of me. I found many challenges in my healing path, but through those struggles, I gained so much insight and knowledge that I want to share through the Fully Alive Again app. 

As you go through the process of feeling fully alive again, I hope to be a source of light for you. Whether it be through recipes or battel-tested advice, I put love and dedication into everything I do. Before I create recipes and information to share, I meditate and focus my intention on love, and with love in my heart, I am inspired to create delicious, creative, and healing meals that I hope you enjoy.

- Jessica

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