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Traveling on MM lifestyle

Hey there! So it's a big one, traveling and trying to figure out how to keep up on your favorite routines. We wanted to offer some ways to feel at ease on your adventures.


Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie: 

  • Prepare for your trip by ordering ahead of time some wild blueberry powder and cilantro tincture. (Follow instruction amounts on the package) 

  • Pack with you these two items listed above along with the Barley grass juice powder, the Spirulina, and the dulse.

The next steps are going to depend on your own location and whether you are driving or flying.

  • You want to find a sweet liquid. Whether it be you packed along some honey lemon water, a juice of some kind, or maybe you brought along coconut water. The goal here is to pour some of this sweet liquid out into a cup of or bottle of some sort, add all the HMDS ingredients, stir up, and drink it down.

  • I always bring a small jar with a tight lid to use as my cup. I can just add all the ingredients together and shake it up really well.

  • If you are going to an airport, I would recommend you bring some honey or maple syrup with you. This way, you can add some sweetener to plain water with the rest of the ingredients. I prefer sweetening the water so it is easy to drink and somewhat tasty. However, if you are ruthless and don't care, just put all the ingredients into plain water and drink it down.

  • Follow any of these techniques by eating a banana or some sort of fruit!

Celery Juice:

This one can be a little more challenging, depending on who you are traveling with and where you are going.  I'll do my best to offer some guidelines based on my own experiences. 

  • Road tripping? You can always pack up your juicer and set it up in your hotel room. I have a friend that does this all the time. Make sure you also pack celery or pick some up before you get to your hotel.

  • Make sure the stopping points chosen on your road trip are in big cities and that your hotel is located somewhat near a juice bar or stores with a juice bar. You will have to do a little research on this. Most likely, any juice bar or store with a juice bar also serves smoothies or fresh fruits and veggies so, this is also a great time to load up on other snacks. (Whole Foods usually has a juice bar but call ahead)

  • Traveling in a plane? It is perfectly fine to pack your juicer in your suitcase. Just be careful your bag doesn't weigh over 50lbs, or they will charge you. My juicer weighs 15 lbs. Just be mindful and pack extra things into your carry-ons if you need to.

  • If you don't want to pack your juicer, pack a travel blender and a cheesecloth or nut milk bag. It might get a little messy, but it'll be fun. Blend the celery by itself in the blender and squeeze the juices out through the cloth. Remember, you will need something to strain the juice into, so you may want to pack a wide cup. 

  • If you have long delays at the airport, just know everything is perfectly fine! You will get right back on track as soon as you get to where you're going.

  • You could also order the celery tincture and use that to bring comfort if you are at all worried. 

  • I don't travel anywhere without doing my research on where I can find a juice bar. But visiting family is different. So depending on where you are going, see which option feels best to you! 

Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner:

There is always a way to find ways to eat no matter where you go! 

  • Try to find the fruit at the airport, it's hidden, but it is there. You can avoid this search by bringing oranges, cucumbers, apples, bananas, nuts, crackers, hummus, grapes, and all your favorite snacks or meals. Load up your carry on with goodies. I would even bake some potatoes and bring an avocado if it's going to be a long trip. You can bring all you want at the airport, as long as it isn't a liquid. Your only issue is if you're leaving the country. They will make you throw away any food before you exit the airport. In this case, you will have to find more food once you land. 

  • If you want to bring a salad dressing, make sure it's no more than 3 oz. Alternatively, you can bring a precut orange, lemon, or lime and squeeze it over your salad for dressing.

  • When you land, and before you go to your hotel or place of stay, make sure the first thing you do is go to a store and gather tons of fruits and veggies, maybe a hot plate, a cooler if needed, and celery.

  • Research ahead of time! This is a lifesaver. Check out what stores have produce and possibly fresh juice. I look for organic farms and organic stores first because this usually would be a spot that has many options for you. Also, see if the place your staying has a fridge you can store your food in.

  • Meal ideas: Large containers of salad, a box of cherry tomatoes, and hummus for a dressing. If you cannot locate a hummus that is compliant, then lemon and honey are good dressing options. 

  • Make a salad dressing that will last the whole trip. Tahini, almond butter, or oil-based dressings need no blending! 

  • When you go out to eat at a restaurant call ahead of time or research to find a place that serves steamed veggies or baked potatoes. If you desire, bring some salt of your own and hide an avocado in your pocket. 

  • Find collapsable containers to pack your meals in. Once you've consumed the food, you can save precious space by folding the container down. At the end of the day, you can wash it and repack a meal for the next day of adventure. We recommend packing hearty foods that fill you use fast like, beans, nuts, and potatoes.

The best advice I can give about eating well while traveling is a determined mindset. Say to yourself "there's always a way" and I promise you'll figure it out because, indeed, there always is a way.  My family lives in a small town in Bush, Alaska. The town is so small that you can only access it by plane. At first, I was unsure about how I would make this work, but after a few minutes of research, I found a local guy that grows his own organic produce and sells it to the locals! 

I hope this gives you some hope on your travels, and if you've been avoiding traveling due to fear around all the subjects we just discussed, I hope you can feel safe again! 

Have fun!! 

Love, Love, Love,


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